Jessica DellaTorre & John Erickson of Apple Valley Emporium (AVE), Central WA’s only board and bottle shop!!

Jessica DellaTorre and John Erickson came to California from different sides of the US, she from Florida, he from Washington.  John grew up skateboarding, and all his jobs have involved the skateboard industry.  Jessica had a variety of jobs in CA, including at a spa, winery and other venues as a hospitality manager.  She and her family opened a bar and restaurant in Los Angeles, and that’s where she and John met.  During the pandemic, they moved to Yakima, and opened the Apple Valley Emporium (AVE Yakima) in 2021 just on the outskirts of the downtown area.  The name is a nod to the Yakima Valley’s fame as an apple growing region, and to the shop’s variety of goods.  While the AVE specializes in skateboards and natural and organic wines from around the world, it also offers clothing, shoes, accessories and pantry items.  One of their slogans is “Look Better! Feel Better!” by visiting the AVE.

What do skateboards and organic wines have in common?  That is one of the things we discuss in this interview.  We also explore the history of skateboarding, and the meaning of natural and organic wine.  It turns out that skateboards and I emerged together in CA in the 1950s, and I got my one and only board in the 1960s when they became popular across the US.  My natural wood board with small metal wheels bears no relation to the skateboards in the AVE.  The wall of boards, or decks, at the AVE is as colorful as the walls of wine bottles with their labels, as skateboards are now illustrated.  There is a popular genre of skateboard art that is now found in museums and galleries.  The shop is a place to go not only to look and feel better, but also to have fun.  They recently observed Skate Shop Day, which is a global event attracting people of all ages and backgrounds.  They also have a fun wine club. Don’t miss this unique shop the next time you are in Yakima, or explore their goods online!!

Listen to the Interview:
